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It is with my deepest regret that I record the passing of one of the most iconic figures (in my lifetime anyway) one Yvonne DeCarlo. The news of her death truly saddened me as I had always reveled in the fact that she was one of the last 3 cast members of the popular Munsters TV show that were still living. I watched her age through photographs obtained on the internet and never once saw her look anything other than breathtaking.

I also think that it’s important to acknowledge the fact that she was so much more than “Lily Munster” the cheerful, mother Dracula who acted as the glue that held the family together on The Munsters TV show  made popular by millions of baby boomers. Her birth name was Peggy Yvonne Middleton and she was born in British Cloumbia. She sang, danced, performed on Broadway and starred in many classic films ranging from westerns to drama. She even played the harp and of course (this is my favorite thing) modeled as she was graced with absolutely stunning natural beauty. To me she was one of the most beautiful pin-up girls of her time. It is true that as a teenager, I picked up most of my make up tips from Lily Munster, but when I would think of Yvonne DeCarlo Lily Munster could not be further from my mind as I will always remember her as the true beauty queen that she was.

I might further encourage you to listen to some of her musical recordings. If you have any interest at all in classic 50’s-style music you will fall in love with her stunning voice.

 Yvonne De Carlo